Your Experience, Your Way


It’s your team–you should have a say in the details of your Chime In experience!

Here at Chime In®, we love the magic of our team experience. But we also recognize that each team is unique, and has its own personality and needs. That’s why we include you (the team leadership) in our planning. Here are a few ways we customize your experience:

Song Selection

Your team will respond best if the exercise uses songs they will recognize, connect with, and enjoy playing. We have plenty to choose from, and we will work with you to pick the perfect lineup of music.

Discussion Topics

Part of the Chime In exercise is stopping to discuss how the team can apply the lessons to their workplace. We talk about the tools they use, processes they follow, and other experiences that they use in their day-to-day work. When planning the event, we will have you provide input (electronic and verbal) about the team, and what topics we need to stress.

Protecting Your Team

OK, let’s be clear: we always wipe the instruments down before an exercise! But we want everyone to feel comfortable while participating. That’s why we will comply with whatever level of cleanliness/protection/practices you require. No judgment! If you want to apply social distancing measures, we can do as much as you want (although for larger groups, this may require a much larger room!).

So remember, if you want a unique, customized, effective experience for your team, we will put it together with you. As we get back to work, it’s a perfect time to host the perfect team experience–it’s time to Chime In!

– Phil