We Have an App!


Yes, that’s right, while you were out setting off fireworks or eating burgers and apple pie, we were… doing that too, but we also had the first successful run-through of songs on the new Chime In app!

Don’t look for it in the iPhone Store/Google Play yet, it’s still in development, but it’s now far enough along that we can now use it for Chime In/Rock On experiences (if we bring pre-loaded devices). The Chime In app turns your device into an instrument (or two, or three), so now your group can play songs as bells, brass, guitars, steel drums… you name it!

We have an icon, too!

We’ll have more to come, but we hope you see the possibilities. If you have a particular instrument/sound you want, we’ll work with you to make your event just right!

Time to use your imagination, and Chime In/Rock On!